Escalated Care Pathway - A fully funded knee rehabilitation program

Monica Mayry

Foundation Clinic is a provider of the Escalated Care Pathway (ECP) in the Bay of Plenty.

The ECP programme is aimed at reducing delays in receiving treatment and improving long term outcomes for patients. Providing both surgical and non-surgical services, the pathways include:

  • Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injury.
  • Multi-ligament Trauma (MLT).
  • Patella dislocation (PFD).
  • Post-traumatic osteoarthritis (PTOA).
  • Knee Sprains and Strains (S&S).

Each of the pathways have operative and non-operative options. Your treating specialist will determine which is the most appropriate for your rehabilitation supported by an interdisciplinary clinical team.

The services included within the package are:

  • Surgical services (surgeon).
  • Hospital services (surgery).
  • Vocational rehabilitation (return to work activity).
  • Rehabilitation (physiotherapy services).
  • Gym access.
  • Health Navigator to aid patients to access appropriate and timely assistance and to co-ordinate their care.

Each pathway is FULLY FUNDED for the patient.

Each pathway starts with an ACC covered knee claim. The first step on the ECP is a pre-approval process to ensure the program is appropriate for you. An initial assessment will be undertaken with your physiotherapist to gather all relevant information to determine if the ECP program can provide you with the level of care you require. 

Following this initial assessment, your treatment provider will refer you to a surgeon or specialist who will confirm your diagnosis.

Once you have been approved onto the pathway, you can expect the program to last between 3-18 months., depending upon your need.

For more information contact us on 07 759 5601 or email [email protected]

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