Trigger points are taut irritable bands, commonly known as ‘knots’ present within a muscle. Trigger points can be tender to the touch, and touching a trigger point may cause pain in another part of the body, known as referred pain.
Treatment of trigger points can involve a technique called dry needling.
Dry needling is a form of acupuncture, where a very fine needle is inserted into the tissue containing the trigger point. Dry needling is a part of modern Western medicine principles and supported by clinical research.
A ‘twitch’ of the muscle frequently occurs upon contact of the needle with the trigger point. This twitch is your muscle contracting and then relaxing. It is the relaxing of the muscle, along with reduced pain and improved muscular function following the twitch that warrants the use of dry needling.
Dry needling is one possible treatment option, always combined with other techniques such as exercises to prevent recurrence. Your physiotherapist can perform a thorough evaluation to determine if you are a good candidate for this treatment as part of a program designed to reduce your pain and improve your function.
How will I feel after Dry Needling?
For more information ring 07 579 5601 or email [email protected]
Force plates are advanced tools used in physiotherapy to measure ground reaction forces generated by the body during movement.
Posterior ankle impingement is a condition where the structures at the back of the ankle become compressed